
Please help me not lose sight of God and to understand his reasoning for what happens in my life

Jan-06 / last prayer 6d ago

Pray for someone I know whose life is a mess and they are so lost. Pray they find Jesus and hear him amidst the noise of challenges and run back to him.

Feb-17 / last prayer 2h ago

Lord and savior I ask for favor over paytons ankle issue. Please heal and restore her entire body from the inside out. Let her food be of nourishment.

Mar-10 / last prayer 4d ago
Phil Chavez

Please pray GOD blesses me soon with a soulmate and life partner in JESUS ​​name.. I have been praying for a soulmate and life partner for 31 years.

Feb-05 / last prayer 8d ago

Please pray that my grandma and grandpa experience Christ so that they may receive Him. The thought of them not being in the Kingdom brings me to tears.

Jan-27 / last prayer 5d ago
Kim (my mom)

I ask for prayer for God to draw my mom near to Himself. That she would realize her need for Him to be saved & be truly born again and no longer desire the things of the flesh.

Jan-30 / last prayer 4d ago
Victor S

I’ve been struggling with lust since a teenager.

Feb-11 / last prayer 10h ago

Prayer for a miraculous healing upon my daughter in laws cancer… She has been battling this and some other health problems at the same time. She loves the Lord Jesus and realizes He is her Hope

Feb-15 / last prayer 4d ago

Prayer for my continued walk with Christ. My whole life I’ve grown up in the church and have just kind of flopped back and forth. I pray that god starts a fire in my heart that I can’t put out.

Feb-04 / last prayer 22h ago
Jillian (my sister)

I pray that she would rediscover/find her love for God. That spending time in His presence wouldn’t be a chore but a desire so she can grow in relationship with God.

Jan-30 / last prayer 5d ago

My friends say they believe in God but they don't show it

Feb-09 / last prayer 28h ago

I need prayer to overcome my insecurities and fears, I’ve struggled with so much fear for so long and it feels like I can never overcome it.

Jan-30 / last prayer 6d ago

I’m about to be in a new relationship, and I’m scared that things will end like how my last relationship did though know he’s nothing like the other guy. I just hope things work out

Jan-31 / last prayer 6d ago

I’ve been dealing with lust a lot as of late and I truly want to restore my relationship with Jesus and display his true love onto others so that His light can be shined onto others through me.

Mar-03 / last prayer 4d ago

Please pray for a friendship. It is slowly getting stronger after a fight but please pray we keep seeking God and keep God at the center and to repair our friendship to as close as we were

Mar-19 / last prayer 3d ago

Pray for release of my disability, mortgage fixed, and love to find me. Financially free

Dec-31 / last prayer 5d ago

my grandmother is in the hospital with pneumonia and we would appreciate prayers for healing.

Feb-03 / last prayer 10h ago
Doug (my dad)

Peace/trust in this waiting season of unemployment for almost 3yrs now. I pray that God would open the right door in His perfect timing.

Jan-30 / last prayer 28h ago

I need to overcome lust

Jan-04 / last prayer 2h ago

Please pray for guidance through this hard time in life, pray that i can figure out the things going on right now

Jan-24 / last prayer 6d ago

For everything going on in this world, and that everyone can find God

Feb-05 / last prayer 5d ago

i just ask that we include God’s children and animals without a warm safe place to rest in our prayers. it’s getting colder and scarier out there, and it has been weighing heavily on my heart

Jan-21 / last prayer 5d ago

I ask for prayer for spiritual boldness. That I would stand firm in my faith & the fruits of the Holy Spirit would be cultivated in me. I pray that I walk in His ways & take up my cross daily.

Jan-30 / last prayer 6d ago

Me and my ex to come together again and do things right with God this time. We love each other but it’s hard to let go of past hurts pls help us

Jan-03 / last prayer 5d ago

Please pray my daughter leaves a cult and come home—gone 3 yrs. She has posted diabolical things on her social media. Please pray that God works a mighty miracle and gives her a new mind, a new heart.

Feb-13 / last prayer 8d ago

Please pray for my lustfulness

Jan-29 / last prayer 5d ago

Pray for my family to grow closer to God and Christianity and to not be Catholic

Mar-31 / last prayer 2h ago

I work at a daycare and I feel like my classroom is just a throw away room. It’s usually the last priority, but I want them to feel loved and cared for like all the other rooms.

Jan-28 / last prayer 8d ago
Marla Jackson

I’m having severe inflammation of my left temporal mandibular joint in my jaw. It’s causing extreme pain and loss of sleep, because it’s worse at night. Please pray for healing for me!

Mar-19 / last prayer 88m ago

Please pray that my dad can find the will to stop seeking out woman to boost his ego and find the love in my mom again

Feb-04 / last prayer 5d ago

My son Jakeb had to call off work. He thinks he has the flu. Please pray he feels better and doesn't get fired if it is God's will. I'm so worried.

Feb-04 / last prayer 5d ago

I would love it if you prayed for me I have had a bad porn addiction for around 2 years and I cannot defeat it and close that door alone

Jan-11 / last prayer 88m ago

Please pray that my husband will come to Jesus and that God will restore our marriage. We have had a rocky past couple years, but I have faith.

Jan-10 / last prayer 8d ago

Please pray for my dad and his faith. He has some anger, anxiety, and gets overwhelmed very easily. I don't want him to lose the Lord and get far. If you can its much appreciated.

Jan-13 / last prayer 5d ago

I am praying for breakthrough in regards to my scholarship funds being released. I’m praying that my funds for last semester and the spring semester gets released expeditiously and I will find favor.

Jan-24 / last prayer 5d ago

I am a college student trying to be a good representation of Christs love in a university that is so far from God. Pray for them and me this semester.

Jan-01 / last prayer 5d ago

My family has been going through a year of trials and attacks from the enemy. I am a pastor and the enemy is coming in strong against my family. Putting roadblocks in the way of missions

Jan-29 / last prayer 4h ago

My cousin is a recovered drug addict and alcoholic. He’s struggling, fighting everyday. Please pray for him that he finds peace and rest in Christ.

Feb-08 / last prayer 5d ago

I started this new spiritual journey with my boyfriend, but I fear he is just going through the motions. He is an alcoholic and he doesn’t see the consequences it causes.

Jan-03 / last prayer 6d ago
Samuel Jameson

That God would continue to reveal His plan and Himself to me. And that José would be blessed with any problems he has.

Jan-21 / last prayer 22h ago

A close friend of mine lost his mother and please help him know that God is leading him through this hard time

Jan-06 / last prayer 6d ago

please pray for me that i can continue in Gods word and i do not get overwhelmed or stressed with everything that is going on school is becoming alot and i do not know how to handle it

Mar-07 / last prayer 4d ago
Sofia Cuyuch

I need a prayer for God to help me play drums for our anniversary and for God to talk to me through the Bible and give me a Topic to preach to the church

Feb-12 / last prayer 8d ago

Please pray that my son Stan will find the.perfect house that he cam buy and it will be affordable. Please.pray that I will focus & start my real estate investment bus. & pray I meet my Godly husband.

Feb-01 / last prayer 5d ago

Pray for my family to be safe and for my kids to orosper

Feb-14 / last prayer 4d ago
Emily & Ben

My husband and I want a baby of our own so badly! Please pray that God gives us what we desire.

Feb-15 / last prayer 2h ago

Pray for my family we don’t have a lot of money and we don’t know how we’re going to pay are bills

Jan-01 / last prayer 8d ago

I want to pray for my sister who has anger issuses i pray that she can she how lucky she is to have an amazing family and freedom. I also pray that she can have a sense of peace in her heart

Feb-19 / last prayer 10h ago

Guidance on a friendship. Her name is Anuradha. Known her since I was young. Got into bad things before I found Jesus (she hasn’t) & lost contact for yrs. She wants back in my life but I’m conflicted.

Jan-30 / last prayer 5d ago
Jakeb and Carmen

Please pray and ask God to help me cope. I am so sad and overwhelmed. To please let my son Jakeb be happy and thrive. To please let me see him smile

Jan-30 / last prayer 91m ago

Pray for me as I go threw overthinking over loving someone like my wife I think she having affair on me with her son s friends and my old friends please pray for my strength and peace

Jan-03 / last prayer 5d ago

Please Pray for me and my significant other, help us to remember the Kingdom first. Mathew6:33! And that the enemy will not have any power over our relationship. And Exodus 14:14 in these hard times.

Mar-11 / last prayer 4d ago

Please ptqy for my dad who just told me and the family that he has a growth on his groin and hasn't gone to have it seen in 3 months. Let him find God and know he doesn't have to be afraid.

Feb-04 / last prayer 8d ago

My family is going through so much rn, my grandma has cancer, our dog just died, & my sister is about to have a baby. Prayers for peace are much needed!

Feb-04 / last prayer 20h ago

I pray that my brother receives a Job at Panera Bread.

Feb-08 / last prayer 6d ago
Dylan Campbell

Pray for me to overcome lust and sexual eroticism. And for those that are struggling as well.

Jan-12 / last prayer 4h ago

Please pray that I can be content in my season of singleness and bold for God's sake like not caring about others opinions and holding fast to my convictions.

Feb-27 / last prayer 4d ago

Right now I'm struggling with the sin of masturabation. I’ve tried to overcome this but i keep falling. Please pray that i would develop self control through the Holy Spirit. And more thank you :)

Feb-04 / last prayer 22h ago
Teri Hottle

I have UC, fibromyalgia, arthritis and am going through perimenopause. Everything has been flared and I am so frustrated. Really appreciate any and all prayers. Thank you so much.

Dec-30 / last prayer 2h ago
Joe Gibson

Would like a favor a Bible 2335 crook St Ashland ky 41101

Feb-21 / last prayer 10h ago
liz & Julio

I would like to receive prayers for my company, especially my bosses who are going through a really hard time right now.

Feb-13 / last prayer 5d ago

Please pray for my son he is a young man not living a life of God Lord help him direct him in the right path

Feb-04 / last prayer 6d ago
Brittany Gilbert

Please join me in prayer to pass my CNA certification test tomorrow morning. Thank you :)

Feb-11 / last prayer 5d ago
Family & Friends

Pray for my family and friends to know Jesus ️

Feb-13 / last prayer 7h ago

Prayer for peace and wisdom as I step into a new stage of life.

Feb-18 / last prayer 7h ago
Karen P.

Please pray for all the families that have been affected by the wildfires in Los Angeles, California. Pray that they get through these hard times, in Jesus name. Amen.

Jan-14 / last prayer 5d ago

I have had back pain

Mar-10 / last prayer 33h ago

Girlfriend and I broke up and she is with a new guy after a couple of months after break. Please pray for guidance and growth in God

Feb-25 / last prayer 4d ago

For my family to be protected, health, wholeness, broken chains, peace, joy and laughter. For us to walk in the doors that He has opened with complete confidence that the King of Kings called us here.

Jan-27 / last prayer 9h ago

Please pray for my dad and his faith. He has some anger, anxiety, and gets overwhelmed very easily. I don't want him to lose the Lord and get far. If you can its much appreciated.

Jan-13 / last prayer 5d ago
Stacy Sisk

Please pray my brother finds God. He’s been battling addiction with drugs for many years and is an unbeliever.

Mar-26 / last prayer 4d ago

I pray that God’s opinion of me would be all that matters & I would give glory to His name in everything I do. I also pray for godly friendships. I’ve been lonely for a while & long for connection.

Jan-30 / last prayer 43h ago

Pray for justice for my child. Pray for the darkness to be brought to the light

Feb-07 / last prayer 6d ago

For my sister who has lost her trust and believe to God, pray to guide her back to GOD

Mar-05 / last prayer 4d ago

Pray that the relationship between me and my girlfriend doesn’t turn sexual

Jan-01 / last prayer 5d ago

Please pray and keep praying for my faith. It feels so little and so weak. I feel that my mind is just constantly filled with lies and doubts. And fear that I’ll never get past this.

Feb-06 / last prayer 91m ago

Please pray for my Mamaw, Michelle. She has alot of problems with her body and is usually alone. I love her with all my heart and i hate to see her in her condition.

Mar-12 / last prayer 4d ago

Better health (good sleep, knee injury recover, consistency in exercising and stretching, remembering to wear my retainers and drink enough water).

Feb-06 / last prayer 9h ago

I had a disk replacement and now starting to feel pain again. Need prayer for healing that the nerves stay in place away from the artificial disk. Thank you. Sciatic is the worst pain I’ve felt.

Mar-24 / last prayer 33h ago

Please join me in prayer for my friend's husband, Mike, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I am praying for miraculous healing and complete recovery in Jesus's holy name.

Dec-31 / last prayer 4d ago

please pray for mine and my boyfriend’s relationship lately we have had a hard time showing eachother love and keep getting into little arguement

Jan-26 / last prayer 8d ago

I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with new responsibilities. Balancing time with the Lord, family, and all other responsibilities. Please pray that God helps me to balance it all and still be a blessing.

Jan-26 / last prayer 22h ago

Please pray for my freind in basketteball that has cancer

Jan-21 / last prayer 47h ago

Please pray for my mother she is 81 and diabetic she is losing faith that her health will not improve she has good days and bad days and the entire family is worried about her

Feb-04 / last prayer 5d ago
Parker Peacock

Please pray that I can forgive myself of my past and that I remember God forgave me already and I should forgive myself too

Mar-12 / last prayer 9h ago

Please pray that my friend is covered in the precious blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and is completely healed of her pancreatic cancer.

Jan-04 / last prayer 9h ago